Kategoriji kollha




Ħin: 2019-07-25 Viżti: 195

Dedikati u b'ħiliet kbar, dawn il-professjonisti jaħdmu iebes biex iżommu l-power grip imħaddma. L-impenn tagħna huwa li ngħinu biex inżommu l-ħaddiema elettriċi siguri. SKY SAFETY hija speċjalizzata fi ingwanti li jissodisfaw u jaqbżu l-istandards iebsa ANSI u NFPA.

klijent reviżjonijiet

111134.4 5 minn  


P**l ★★★★ ☆ pjuttost tajba

Reviewed in the United kingdom on Mar.6,2020

Xiri Verifikat

I bought these gloves just as an extra safety measure when working with a generator cut-over panel for my well.They are thick and fit my hands.

Ch***s★★ ☆☆☆ Rubber smell

Reviewed in the United kingdom on Sep.29,2020

Xiri Verifikat

Bought these for a fairly high voltage hobby project I am working on.But the smell is not good.It will disappear with time.

J**es ★★★ ☆ ☆ As effective as other comments are saying

Reviewed in the United kingdom on Aug.4,2021

Xiri Verifikat

Good quality in appearance. It will have to protect my hands from electric and help me to complete the work safely.