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Sự khác biệt giữa lót găng tay nylon và polyester

Thời gian: 2022-05-19 Lượt truy cập: 7

Nylon and polyester are synthetic fabrics that see wide use across many industries. They most commonly appear in the garment-manufacturing industry, but they’re versatile enough to be used as specialty fabrics in aerospace, automotive, and medical applications. Comparing nylon with polyester shows that they have many similar properties, but several crucial distinctions still exist between them.

Độ bền

Polyester is a tough synthetic material which can be softer than nylon on the skin. Very durable and easy to wash. 

Polyamide or Nylon is a tough synthetic fibre with good stretch and durability. It offers low lint properties when used alone but is often mixed with other fibres. 

Polyester and nylon look the same, but they have big difference in durability and cost. When we use for dipping gloves, nylon is better than polyester. It is more durable and soft, but the cost is higher. And because of its high cost — generally twice that of polyester, if clients do not emphasized, we assume 13 gauge nylon liner dipping gloves as polyester composition instead.

Chống nước

Nylon is a durable, abrasion resistant and resilient fiber. Over all it is a well wearing and resistant to insects, fungi and mildew. 

Cả nylon và polyester đều chống nước, nhưng polyester chống thấm nước tốt hơn nylon. Ngoài ra, đặc tính chống nước của polyester tăng lên khi số lượng chỉ tăng lên. Tuy nhiên, không vật liệu nào có khả năng chống thấm nước hoàn toàn trừ khi được phủ bằng vật liệu đặc biệt.

tính dễ cháy

Nylon and polyester are both flammable, but each reacts differently to fire: nylon melts before burning, whereas polyester melts and burns at the same time. 

Polyester has a higher flammability temperature than type 6 nylon, so it catches fire less easily.although it can distort at higher temperatures. Whilst flammable it tends to shrink away from flames, self extinguish and absorbs very little moisture. 

Polyester also resists UV much more effectively than nylon, which quickly fades when exposed to sunlight. However, both hold up equally well to mildew.

Contrast of nylon & polyester gloves